Excelente -artículo
Produced by Jane Hart,
Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies
"It's amazing what you can learn in 140 characters!"
Why Twitter?
Twitter is very easy to set up and use, and as there are a huge number of Twitter apps that enhance its standard functionality, it is now a very powerful tool. And with over 50 million users, this free global system can no longer be overlooked for its potential as a social learning platform.
What is social learning?
By "learning" we mean both formal education and training as well as informal learning, that is personal directed learning, group directed learning and intra-organisational learning. You can find more about how we define these types of learning here.
This Guide therefore looks at how to use Twitter for social learning - that is to build a community, communicate, collaborate with others, as well as share information and resources. In addition it looks at how it can be used for to support formal social learning events and programmes.
140 Learning
Although 140 characters is the maximum length of a Twitter message (or tweet) - even in such a small amount of space, you can say, do and learn a lot, as you will see!
PDF version
A PDF is in preparation, If you would like to know when it is ready, email Jane.Hart@c4lpt.co.uk or send tweet to @c4lpt
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